1. Title Cat-Chem laboratory
- Get experience of catalyst supporting affluent human society-
2. IYC interests ● @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
○ AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
○ BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
○ CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description Get experiences of what catalysts and catalysis are and of how important catalysis is for human society through the events of poster presentation, PC games, put together models, catalysts demonstration and actual experiments.
4. Audience Students and school children, General public
5. Topic Catalysis and catalysts for sustainable and green chemistry
6. Long description Title: International Year of Chemistry:IYC2011 “Cat-Chem laboratory- Get experience of catalyst supporting affluent human society-“
Date: 18th September, 2011
Place: The conference hall of Hokkaido University, Sappro
Scope: School children, students and general public can get experiences of what catalysts and catalysis are and of how important catalysis is for human society through the events.
1. poster presentations including Nobel prize history in the field of catalysis,
2. PC games,
3. Putting together models of Zeolite with plastics,
4. Demonstration
      1 Photocatalysts for the decomposition of water and VOC
      2 Catalytic water purification
      3 Fuel cell catalysts
      4 Catalytic bio-mass conversion
5. Experiments
      1. Fluorescein synthesis using zeolite catalysts
      2. Coumarin synthesis using zeolite catalysts
      3. Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction
7. Sponsors none

8. Contact detail

Name:Prof.Wataru Ueda
Organization or affiliations:Hokkaido University
Phone :+81-11-706-9164