It was decided to make the year 2011 "The International Chemistry Year" at the general assembly of the United Nation held in December 2008. This was attained with the support of UNESCO in response to a proposal by IUPAC, our country being a joint author. The year 2011 is 100 years since Madam Curie received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
The year 2011 is also the centennial anniversary of IUPAC, or more precisely its predecessor, The International Association of the Chemical Societies (IACS).
The theme of the movement is "Chemistry - our life, our future" and it is expected that every country should render its efforts for better understanding of chemistry in society, enhancement of interest in chemistry among the younger generation and increasing enthusiasm of chemists for a creative future.
In Japan, a number of chemistry related societies, organizations, universities and industries have been extended various activities for the above mentioned targets. The Science Council of Japan, which is the national adhering organization of IUPAC in Japan, ordered the Japanese Union of Chemical Science and Technology to manage realization of events and at the same time, requested The Chemical Society of Japan as well as other chemistry related societies to cooperate with it. Thus, it was decided to organize the Japan Committee on the International Year of Chemistry to plan and promote substantial activities. Under the Japan Committee the planning committee and the Executive committee are placed.