1. Title Childrenfs Chemical Experiment Show
2. IYC interests œ ‡@Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
œ ‡AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
› ‡BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
› ‡CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description gChildrenfs Chemical Experiment Showh is a hands-on event for elementary school children to promote the understanding of and interest in the wonders of chemistry.
4. Audience School children
5. Topic Hands-on chemical experiment activity
6. Long description gChildrenfs Chemical Experiment Showh is a hands-on chemical experiment event for elementary school children to promote their understanding of and interest in the wonders of chemistry.
This event has annually been held for two to three days in summer since 1993 in corporation with chemical companies, university professors and senior and junior high school teachers. In this event participants can try several kinds of chemical experiments with the support by chemical companyfs young staffs, researchers, professors and/or teachers.
The event for IYC2011 is now being planned as follows (not fixed yet):
EDate: Nov 26-27,2011
EVenue & place: The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Hall, Odaiba, Tokyo
EScope: Elementary school children
EProgram: Hands-on chemical experiments and chemical experiment shows
EParticipants: About 10,000 participants are expected for two days.
EWeb Site: http://www.kagaku21.net/ (in Japanese)
7. Sponsors gDream Chemistry 21h Organizing Committee

8. Contact detail

Name:Mr Ayumu Inoue
Organization or affiliations:Japan Chemical Industry Association
Phone :+81-3-3297-2555