1. Title Publications of book to spread chemistry
"Kagaku no hatarak":Clothes and fiber
2. IYC interests ● @Increase the public appreciation and understanding of chemistry
● AEncourage interest of young people in chemistry
● BGenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
○ CCelebrate the role of women in chemistry
3. Short description Publications of book to spread chemistry "Kagaku no hatarak":Clothes and fiber
4. Audience professional chemists, students, post graduate students
5. Topic publications
6. Long description Publications of book to spread chemistry for professional chemists, students, post graduate students in the end of Feb.
"Kagaku no hataraki":Clothes and fiber.
1 About clothes and the fiber
2 Warm clothes and cool clothes
3 Clothes that do not crumple easily
4 Fiber like silk
5 Fiber like wool
6 Fiber like skin
7 Fiber that imitates function
8 Evolving sportswear
9 Wear that supports health
10 Clothes used by medical treatment
11 Clothes that pass steam
12 Mystery of paper diaper
13 Introduction of real nanotechnology
14 Super-fiber with strength
7. Sponsors The Chemical Society of Japan

8. Contact detail

Name:Mr Hiroyuki Okurai
Organization or affiliations:The Chemical Society of Japan
Phone :+81-3-3292-6164